Accessibility Statement

Compliance status

This website is partially compliant with RD 1112/2018, due to the non-compliance and the exemptions listed below.

Non-accessible Content

The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons:

  1. non-compliance with the RD 1112/2018

    • There could be specific edition errors in any web page, both in HMTL content and in final documents, published after September 20, 2018.

    • Algunas imágenes y botones no tienen una alternativa textual que las describa (requisito de UNE-EN 301549:2022).

    • Parte de la información y estructura de las páginas no pueden ser determinadas por software o texto (requisito de UNE-EN 301549:2022).

    • El contraste de texto e imágenes de texto no cumple con el valor mínimo (requisito de UNE-EN 301549:2022).

    • El contraste de componentes de la interfaz de usuario y objetos gráficos no cumple con el valor mínimo (requisito de UNE-EN 301549:2022).

    • El contenido textual de los componentes que aparece con el puntero no cumple los requisitos mínimos (requisito de UNE-EN 301549:2022).

    • La secuencia de navegación de los componentes de algunas páginas no pueden ser navegados secuencialmente correctamente (requisito de UNE-EN 301549:2022).

    • En algunas páginas algunos componentes de la interfaz de usuario no tienen foco visible (requisito de UNE-EN 301549:2022).

    • En algunas páginas no puede ser determinado el idioma predeterminado por software (requisito de UNE-EN 301549:2022).

    • Algunos elementos HTML tienen varios errores (requisito de UNE-EN 301549:2022).

    • Existen componentes de la interfaz de usuario que no se puede determinar por software su nombre, función o estado (requisito de UNE-EN 301549:2022).

  2. disproportionate burden

    • Not apply.

  3. the content is not within the scope of the applicable legislation

    • There may be ofimatic files in PDF or other formats published before September 20, 2018 that do not fully meet all accessibility requirements.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on September 18, 2023.

The method used to prepare the declaration has been a self-assessment done by the public sector body.

The statement was last reviewed on September 30, 2024.

Feedback and contact information

You can make communications about accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a) of RD 1112/2018) such as:

  • report any possible breach by this website
  • transmit other difficulties of access to content
  • formulate any other query or suggestion for improvement related to the accessibility of the website

Through the following ways:

Can file:

  • a Complaint regarding compliance with the requirements of RD 1112/2018 or
  • a Request for Accessible Information regarding:
    • contents that are excluded from the scope of application of RD 1112/2018 as established by article 3, section 4
    • contents that are exempt from compliance with accessibility requirements for imposing a disproportionate burden.

In the Request for accessible information, the facts, reasons and request that allow to verify that it is a reasonable and legitimate request must be specified, with complete clarity.

Through the procedure for requesting information and complaints about accessibility of the electronic office of the University of Murcia, as well as the rest of the options included in Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

Communications, complaints and requests for accessible information will be received and processed by the Area of Information Technologies and Applied Communications (ATICA) of the University of Murcia.

Enforcement procedure

If once a request for accessible information or complaint has been made, it has been rejected, if are not agreement with the decision taken, or the response does not meet the requirements set forth in article 12.5, the interested person may initiate a claim. Likewise, a claim may be initiated in the event that the period of twenty business days has elapsed without having obtained a response.

The claim can be submitted through the procedure for requesting information and complaints about accessibility of the electronic office of the University of Murcia, as well as the rest of the options included in Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

Claims will be received and treated by the General Secretary of the University of Murcia.