Can I leave my application incomplete and return to it later?

Response: On providing the minimum data (miminimum data required by the form to continue), an application code is generated through which you can access your application. Once you are in the list of posts, click on the link "Continue" of the post desired, where you will be asked to select an acccess method. With digital certificate; Without digital certificate. If you select with a certificate (electronic ID, FNMT certificate, etc.,), you will be taken directly to the application created. If you choose "Without certificate" , you will be asked to insert your ID/NIF and the Security Code to access your application

I filled in the inscription data for a post, but I lost the application code. How can I retrieve my application code?

Response A: If you have a valid digital certificate go to the list of calls in effect and click on "Continue". The panel includes the option "With digital certificate", and you will access your application, where you will be shown your application code.

Response B: If you inserted an email address in the personal data screen, you will receive an email re "ConvocUM- Initiating application in a call", in which you will be provided with the application code to access via "Continue" specifying your ID.

Response C: If none of the previous cases applies, contact the relevant Call Staff. Contact information is available at Human Resources and General Services Area..

I have filled in my data and clicked on "validate". Am I registered for the call??

Response: NO. A person is considered to be registered only when the application has been registered either online via the digital signature or maually at one of the valid registries. When your application is validated a receipt for payment is generated along with a PDF with th eapplication in order to be able to correct any error detected in the information. An application can be validated and modified as many times as one wishes.

Why can't I access with my certificate?

When accessing our application (either through the new or continue option) we can use the digital certificate. If the authentication does not worl correctly the following screen will appear showing us the error.

The first thing is to check that our web browser has correctly recognised our certificate . Below, we show how to do this using Chrome or Firefox, which are the browsers most recommended.

Certificate using Chrome

TO access browser configuration options, check the box in the top right corner to open the menu, from which you can personalise and configure the browser. To arrive at the browser certificate store click on the option "Configuration" in the menu.

Access to the certificates store is not immediately visible because it is inside the group of advanced options. Go to the bottom of the page nad click on "Show advanced options".

Now you can see more options. Scroll down until you reach "HTTPS/SSL":

If our certificate does not appear and we have it in a file in our computer, we will have to import it

  • Click on the "import" button and an Assistant will appear to guide us through the certificate import process. Click on the button "Next" and insert the the name of the file we wish to import. Then click on "Next".
  • In the next window you will be asked for the password protecting the file. Insert this and check the box "Mark the personal code as importable" so that we re-export the certificate with your private password. THEN CLICK ON "Next".
  • We are then told where we can situate the imported certificate. Select the default option and click on "Next".
  • The next window shows a box with the properties of the imported certificate. Click on Accept and a message will appear saying that the certificate has been successfully imported.

Certificate in Firefox

To access the configuration options of the browser, go to the box in the top right corner. Click to reveal the panel and access the Options available on the browser.

Click on "Avanced" in the options and then "Certificates"

Click on "See certificates" and a panel appears to manage our certificates

If our certificate does not appear and we have it in a file in our computer, we will have to import it

  • Click on "import".
  • Select the location (hard disk, cd, usb, network unit) of the copy of the certificate you wish to import.
  • Insert the master password of your browser (if you set one). If this is the first time you are using the browser with certificates insert a password and confirm. This password will be requested each time you wish to use your certificate on the websites that ask for it.
  • Insert the password you used to protect your backup copy.
  • If the whole process is completed correctly, you will recive the following message: "Your security certificate(s) and code(s) have been successfully restored."

Once it has been ascertained that our browser correctly recognises the certificate, it is recommended that before trying to access again that you clean the browser caché as indicated below.

After cleaning the browser caché, close the browser and re-open it

If despite having our certificate appropriately configured and having cleaned the browser caché, you cannot access, please ensure that:

Why can't I register and sign my application?

The application was signed via the Signature Gateway of the University of Murcia and using one of the available methods. You should ensure that for each cse you have the information indicated below:

  • With electronic certificate University of Murcia users and outsiders holding a certificate recognised by the University.

    First you have to ascertain that you an electronic certificate recognised by the University of Murcia and that it has not expired . You can consult the signature systems admitted at the following link:

    You will also need the Autosignature application installed in your system. This system has been developed by the Ministry for Revenue and Public Administrations (MINHAP) and is part of a Suite of products called @firma. This application allows you to electronically sign documents (in PDF and XML format).

    If you have any queries or doubts, use the following link for additional information on how to sign with the certificate.

    This website also includes a link to perfprm a test signature to ensure that you have your certificate and the necessary software is correctly installed.

  • With a UM account Only University of Murcia users with an account with a mobile telephone number registered with Personnel data.

    You can register or modify your mobile telephone number using one of the following options:

    • For PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and PAS (Administration and Services Staff).
      • Through access via electronic certificate to the Personal Data Modification of the Human Resources Portal:
      • Via presentation of the application form at the Human Resources Area.
      • Via presentation of the Basic Instance at the Electronic Registry.
      • Via presentation of the application form at the General Registry or at the Auxiliary Registry of the University of Murcia.
    • For students
      • Via identification using your University Smart Card (TUI9 at the Virtual Secretary Posts.
      • Via presentation of application form in the Secretary's Office of the Faculty or School.
      • Via presentation of the Basic Instance at the Electronic Registry.
      • Via presentation of the application form at the General Registry or at the Auxiliary Registry of the University of Murcia.
  • With Cl@ve Signature: University of Murcia users and outsiders who have voluntarily registered with the Cl@ve-Firma system.

    This is a signature system based on the use of centralised electronic certificates, stoerd by and in the custody of Public Administration. These centralised certificates enable citizens to sign electronic documents form any device that has an Internet connection and with no additional equipment (hardware or software)

    The certificates required for the centralised signature are issued and held by the Police Headquarters. The custody of these certificates is secure and only the certificate holder is entitled to access the same.

    The signature process has the highest levels of security, i.e., along with the username and the password, th e holder has to insert a single-use code received by text message sent to the mobile telephone number indicated at the time of Registration

    How can I obtain this?

    Follow the steps below.

    • Registering in the Cl@ve system.
    • Activate certificate signature (Cl@ve Permanente).

    More information at the following links:

If despite the previous indications you still have a problem with the signature process, contact the University of Murcia User support for help.

  • Subject: CONVOCUM - Problems signing application.
In this email, please indicate the method of signature you used, so that we have the most information possible about the problem

Why can't I attach a document in a section of the Curriculum?

Response: To attach a document to a section of the Curriculum, first insert the mandatory data of that section and click on Save. If you have not done so and you click on the attach document button the panel will not appear that uploads the document. The fields requiring data will be marked in red.

If all the compulsory data of the section have been inserted correctly and you are unable to attach a document, contact the user support for help.

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If I check the section "discapacity" because I have a discapacity of over 33%, am I obliged to participate in the round reserved for discapacitated persons?

Response: No. The field serves to determine the fee applicable; in the case of discapacity "fee exempt". The field is compulsory if you wish to participate in the round reserved for discapacitated applicants, or if not, you wish to request changes in times or spaces to carry out the tasks.

Can I apply for more than one call system in the same Scale?

Response: Applications can be presented for different systems of the same Scale. However, it is advisable that you read in the calls the dates and times of the first task, since it ma be that

Why can't I see the ConvocUM pages clearly in Internet Explorer?

Response: Internet Explorer (IE hereinafter) offers the websites differently to the amjority of browsers. However, there is a Compatible Viewing option that can solve certain problems.

Follow the indications below: