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Convocum Administration and Services Staff
Welcome to ConvocUM PAS
ConvocUM is an application that provides information on calls for civil servant posts on the Scales for Administration and Services Staff at the University of Murcia
Data protection policy.
Any personal data provided during the application process be this through e-signature or through the ordinary procedures envisaged under article 38 of the Spanish Law on the Legal Regime for Public Administration and Common Administrative Procedures, of which the University of Murcia had no prior knowledge will be incorporated in an automated file at constitutes the personal information database of the University of Murcia (GENTE).
All information obtained will be processed solely for the the relevant recruitment process or, when necessary, for other staff management processes arising from the same, and for use by the interested parties in the their relations with the University of Murcia.
Interested persons can exercise their rights to access, correct, cancel and protest as envisaged under Spanish Organic Law 15/1999, dated December 13 concerning the protection of data of a personal nature, through the Gerencia de la Universidad de Murcia, located in Avda. Teniente Flomesta s/n, Edificio Convalecencia CP 30003 Murcia.
Browsing requirements and recommendations
Although the application is not limited to any sreen resolution, for optimal use use a mimimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 with the following browsers: